Tuesday, July 14, 2009

We could trick them into liking it!

I don't know how many people are aware of this, as it happened a long time ago, but an old Sony Ericsson marketing campaign I heard about recently seemed like it could possibly be the worst way to promote an item. Ever.
In an effort to promote their cell phones, the company hired actors that were meant to seem cool to their target market. Rather than film or photograph the actors using the cell phones, they sent them to various locations including bars and tourist locations. At the bar, they might take a picture of you. After they show you picture, they can tell you about all the wonderful features of their phone. At tourist locations, they might ask you to take a picture of their group.
Of course, if you asked them point blank if they were actors, they would tell you that you were. As if that absolves any ethical violations. This is not just bad for the mislead consumers, but also for the company. A marketing campaign like this is certain to attract media attention. People are going to hear about it, and they will not be happy. They will see your company as manipulative and uncaring. Building healthy mutually beneficial relationships between customers is a must. If you don't have trust, you don't have a sale.

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